Our 'Why' -
The Reason
Biz Ecademy Started

Our “Big Goal” is to serve others to start and grow their online business, and in doing so, we plan to start a nonprofit by the year 2025 to provide Biz Ecademy scholarships to domestic violence survivors, so they, too, can learn how to start their own business and work from home.

Happiness comes from WHAT we do. 

Fulfillment comes from WHY we do it.

~Simon Sinek

Our Big Goal - To Serve Others
And Start a Nonprofit

It is my vision that by 2025, Biz Ecademy will start and fund a nonprofit which will provide scholarships for domestic violence (DV) survivors, so they, too, can learn the exact steps to be their own boss, work from home where they can be present for their children, and support their family financially, emotionally, and physically with their presence. This is our ‘why.’

This goal was born out of knowing what it’s like to live in those shoes. I figured out the very hard way how to start and run a successful business from home. Most DV survivors don’t have the resources – the time or the money – to figure it out on their own, and they need a fast solution.

I realized that using my business knowledge to help entrepreneurs get the freedom and flexibility they need to work from home, or from anywhere for that matter, is my purpose in life. And in doing so, that could pave the way with the resources to teach DV survivors how to do the same. This is the journey that has now become Biz Ecademy which is exactly what I was put on earth to do. Again, our ‘why.’


our why - a DV survivor teaching an online class
Photo of a woman working from home with her child in the background working on homework.

A life of Flexibility

Origin: Finding myself unexpectedly divorced, my children still in middle school and high school, I learned first-hand how important it was to be able to work from home so I could be there for my kids. 

Addition: As a DV Advocate for nearly 10 years now, I realized that I could use my business knowledge to help survivors get the flexibility to work from home, so they can be there for their children. 

Goal: Be it an aspiring entrepreneur or a new entrepreneur, a life of flexibility is a goal that can easily become a reality. So whether you’re a mid-lifer, a mom or dad, a retiree, or you’re just beginning your career, flexibility is the lifestyle that fits all.

a life of freedom

Origin: Working as a pharmacist meant too many nights and weekends were spent away from my family. I wanted to be there more, and I realized the only way to do that was through entrepreneurship instead of working as an employee.

Addition: Today, we’re seeing more and more employers calling people back into offices to work, ending the post ‘2020-work-from-home-era.’ The freedom of working from home, even though working for someone else, unexpectedly disappears.

Goal: According to a recent AARP study, what middle-aged people want most is the freedom to travel for pleasure – even more than they want to travel to see their grandkids! Take that a step further: regardless of age, the freedom to work from anywhere is many people’s ultimate goal. 

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