Entrepreneur &
Business Growth Strategist

Ashley Evans

Driving conversions through market research and message refinement comes easily to me after nearly 15 years of owning a market research company and a focus group facility. 

How do we perfect digital marketing to drive conversions? We use market research results to tell us how to hone your message to increase your sales. Sometimes, we may even through in a dash of AI. 

It’s an art and a science. And it’s not as hard as you may think.

Market Research And
quiz Funnel expert

I had a business that did not succeed, but it was not a failure. I believe you either succeed or you learn. I learned far too many lessons for me to consider it to be a failure.

So, I used those lessons to build my next company – a market research company – that quickly hit multiple 7-digits in annual revenue. There, I learned how to profitably run a multi-million-dollar business. 

And, I became an expert at how to grow businesses fast through market research and particularly through quiz funnels: how to effectively plan them, how to write them well, how to segment the audience, how to increase ROAS, and, most importantly, how to 10X conversions.

Strategizing with aspiring or struggling entrepreneurs on how to start and grow their business then maximize profit and ROI – that’s my sweet spot.

My business philosophy now? I’ve got two, actually: 1 – Money loves speed. 2 – Work smarter, not harder. And I can show you how.

Biz Ecademy is Where Market Research Meets Behavioral Strategy
to Optimize Digital Marketing

If market research were to marry behavioral strategy, optimized digital marketing would be like their beautiful new baby. Digital marketing that has been optimized is like a new baby, full of hope and promise, with its nearly flawless skin soft to the touch, full of emotions that can drive the parents into action right away, and growing faster than anyone ever expects.

Market Research

Definition: The action or activity of gathering information about consumers’ needs and preferences. 

Why: Market research blends consumer behavior and economic trends to verify and improve key business aspects: new business idea validation, target audience identification, product development, positioning, or even to validate additional business ideas. Implementing market research findings usually means you can confirm positive outcomes, thus reducing risks.  

Behavioral Strategy

Definition: The application of insights from psychology and behavioral economics to help businesses achieve their desired behavioral outcomes.

Why: When the behavior that is being asked of customers is one that they are excited, willing, and able to do, success is almost inevitable.

Digital Marketing

Definition: Also called online marketing, it is the promotion of products/services to connect with potential customers using any form of digital communication such as the internet, email, social media, text messages, apps, and web-based advertising. 

Why: How easily accessible digital channels are has led to the importance of digital marketing. From social media to text messages, there are many ways to use digital marketing tactics in order to communicate with your target audience. Additionally, digital marketing has minimal upfront costs, making it a cost-effective marketing technique for small businesses. 

Why I believe in quizzes

Time with my family at the beach. That’s my favorite thing to do. So, maximizing my efficiency when working gives me more time watching waves with my favorite people. 

I think I’ve written about 574,893,777 quizzes and surveys in my lifetime! Okay, maybe not really. But it feels like it!

After hearing the frustrations of so many business owners who would come to me when prospects would leave their landing pages without joining their email list, I decided to put my years of quiz writing and market research to good use. 

I can teach you how to create a quiz to use as your new lead magnet, or we can write your quiz for you. And to make it even better, historically, lead magnet quizzes have converted higher than other forms of lead magnets. By far.  

So, what drives you?

How’s your current lead gen process going? Ready for more leads?

How will you handle getting those prospects faster?

I can’t wait to hear your success story!

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